LIFE project LIFE FOR SPECIES "Threatened species in Latvia: improved knowledge, capacity, data and awareness"
Project No.: LIFE19GIE/LV/000857
Project acronym: LIFE FOR SPECIES
Project partners: University of Latvia Institute of Biology (coordinating partner); Nature Conservation agency; Daugavpils University; Latvian Ornithological society
Budget: EUR 2 706 291
EU contribution (European Commission LIFE programme) 55%: EUR 1 488 458
National funding: 45% or EUR 1 217 833 (co-financing of State Regional Development Agency and contribution of Project partners)
Duration: 1.12.2020–31.12.2025
The aims of the LIFE FOR SPECIES project are to update the list of protected and endangered species based on scientific criteria, to prepare proposals for changes in legislation, to improve data quality and availability of species, as well as to increase public and stakeholder awareness, and active species protection in Latvia.
The current regulations, which determine specially protected species and micro-reserve species, were issued 10 to 20 years ago. During this time, scientific information on the occurrence of species and threatening factors has been gathered, as well as changes have taken place in Latvian economy. In order to balance the interests of nature protection and economic activity, it is necessary to develop scientifically substantiated criteria for the definition of endangered species and to prepare legislative amendments that ensure the protection of species.