Environment day in Daugavpils
Representatives of the project LIFE FOR SPECIES Daugavpils University participated in Daugavpils Environment Day on May 5, as well as the awarding of the youth competition "Nature in my city" took place.

Representatives of the LIFE FOR SPECIES project from Daugavpils University participated in the Environment Day and activities dedicated to the opening of the Europe Direct South Latgale Center on May 5 by organizing an educational environmental workshop "Living Creatures of Dubrovina Park". Visitors to the workshop were introduced to the species of lichens and invertebrates found in the park.

Daugavpils cultural and educational institutions participated in the events dedicated to the Environment Day. Throughout the day, more than 1,500 students from 18 educational institutions in Daugavpils were offered various educational activities related to the environment and the European Green Deal.

Within the framework of the Environment Day, the conclusion of the youth competition "Nature in my city" organized by LIFE FOR SPECIES project took place, in which four youth teams from different Daugavpils schools presented their work. In the category "Environment" was presented one work "Daugavpils Traffic public transport ticket collection solution with further processing ", while in the category" Biodiversity" four works were received, of which three were presented and awarded:" Preservation of Biodiversity in the Recreation Area of Daugavpils City ", "Protection of the brown lon-eared bat population in the territory of Daugavpils" and "Bird habitat".

All participants of the competition, as well as work consultants - teachers - received valuable prizes: the books "Big Latvian Mushroom Book" and "Bird guide" published by SIA "Jāņa sēta".
We are happy for active young people who are interested in nature protection and for meeting in nature!
Idea: “Preservation of biological diversity in the recreation area of Daugavpils city”
Daugavpils 3rd Secondary School, 11th grade, Evita Teivāne, Kristīne Šervašidze
Consultants: Olga Kovaļova, teacher of natural sciences and geography, Sergejs Zabarovskis, teacher of biology
Idea: "Brown lon-eared bat"
Daugavpils Center Secondary School, 10th grade, Simona Hana Rasnače
Consultants - Tatjana Baranovska
Idea: “Protection of the brown elephant population in the territory of Daugavpils”
Daugavpils Center Secondary School, Anna Sedača, Viāna Bebriša, Romāns Streļčuks, Kirils Protņikovs
Consultant - teacher Tatjana Baranovska
Idea: "Birds' habitat"
Daugavpils 13th Secondary School, 10/11 class, Yevgeny Timofeyev, Yegor Ivanov
Consultants: biology teacher Jūlija Kanto
Idea: Daugavpils Traffic public transport ticket collection solution with further processing
Daugavpils Secondary School of Technology lyceum, 11th grade students Olga Ļubarska and Katerīna Novaka
Consultant: biology teacher Inguna Kostenko

The Project “Threatened species in Latvia: improved knowledge, capacity, data and awareness” LIFE19 GIE/LV/000857 LIFE FOR SPECIES is implemented with the financial support of the LIFE Programme of the European Union and Latvian State Regional Development Agency. This publication reflects only authors’ view. Neither CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) nor European Commission are responsible of any use that may be made, or the information contained therein.