Invite to a seminar on compiling a list of specially protected species
Whithin the framework of LIFE FOR SPECIES project, seminar will be held on the basic principles for the development of criteria and categorization of the national list of specially protected species.

The experts of the species groups of the LIFE FOR SPECIES project have prepared an insight into the basic principles for the development of criteria for the national list of specially protected species, as well as will outline the possible division of species into different categories.
The seminar will take place on the ZOOM platform on December 3 from 11:00 to 13:00
The agenda of the seminar is available HERE (in latvian).
All interested parties are invited to apply for the seminar by December 1 (inclusive) by filling in this application form. We will send the ZOOM access link to the e-mail specified in the application form on December 2.
See you at the seminar!