On April 27 of this year, the mid-term seminar of the LIFE FOR SPECIES project was successfully held in the Latvian University. During the seminar, the project team introduced the interested parties present with the work done in the project so far and the future activities. More than 70 participants attended the event.

Project manager Gunta Čekstere.

Attendees of the mid-term seminar also had the opportunity to listen to several lectures on the results of the risk assessment of various groups of species, as well as to ask the experts the questions they were interested in.

The coordinator of Vascular plant species group - Liene Auniņa.

Also, another important moment for the project was noted during the seminar - the project brochure was unveiled. In order to fully inform the public about the danger of the species and how to get involved in the protection of the species, the brochure became much broader than originally planned. After the mid-term seminar, the brochure in printed form is freely available to anyone interested both in paper and electronic formats.

Musical performance during the award ceremony of the photo competition “Green Treasures”.

At the end of the seminar, the ceremonial opening of the traveling photo exhibition "Green Treasures" and awarding of the authors of the best photographs took place. 

Within the LIFE FOR SPECIES project (Endangered species in Latvia: improved knowledge and capacity, information circulation and understanding) in the period from 2021. until 2023 in April, an evaluation of the state of amphibian and reptile species and determination of the risk level of species extinction was carried out using the methodology and criteria developed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN, https://www.iucnredlist.org/, https://sarkanagramata.lu.lv/par -project/materials/). The activities were carried out within the project B.1 activity "Re-evaluation of the status of species protection and preparation of the list of endangered species using IUCN criteria".

In order to present the preliminary results of species evaluations to those interested, a meeting will be organized this on May 16 at 10:00 (on Zoom).

It will consist of:

Estimated meeting length: approximately 2 hours.

To participate in the meeting, please fill out the application by May 12: https://forms.gle/GNj7kZJ64QFWncte8

A link to the meeting will be sent to the email you provided before the meeting.

A total of 21 species of amphibians and reptiles were evaluated in the project. The results and the list of evaluated species with assigned preliminary categories are available here:

Abinieki_rapuli_IUCN_apspriedem LV (password: IUCN-2023)

Of these, 10 taxa have been evaluated as LC (least concern or safe) in Latvia.

We invite anyone who is interested in participating, to read the assessments and send comments and questions before the meeting by writing to the email provided below:


As we enjoy the first warm days and sunshine of spring, many species are beginning to wake up from hibernation. One of them is also the species of the month of April - European pond terrapin (Emys orbicularis).

Photo: João Manuel Lemos Lima

European pond terrapin is special for Latvia - it is the only species of turtle that can be found in our country, and unfortunately, it is very rare that we get to meet the species in nature. The oldest news about the finds of this species in Latvia can be traced back to the 19th century. Nowadays the species is mostly found in the nature park in the vicinity of Silene and Apgulde in Latvia.

Map by Jānis Ukass

The Turtle's shell reaches a length of about 20 cm and its color on the surface varies from dark brown to black with light yellowish spots. The lower part of the shell can be both light and dark, with darker spots. The turtles head, neck and legs are also dark in color with yellow flecks.

The turtle is constantly in or near water, although females tend to travel further over land to find dry, sunlit egg-laying sites. The female lays 4 - 15 eggs in May, which develop until late summer and early autumn. The eggs are buried in a hole up to 10 cm deep.

Photo: Dudva

Unfortunately, the species is characterized by very high mortality of eggs and young individuals, however, this is compensated by very low mortality of adults. Life expectancy is also significantly high - 50 and even more years.

The terrapin is an omnivore and daily feeds on various aquatic invertebrates, the remains of other animals and sometimes plant food. It mostly lives in small bodies of water with sunlit shores, and during the day it often basks on plant crowns or tree trunks. The terrapin swims well, dives and can stay underwater for a long time. The species hibernates at the bottom of water bodies, in mud.


  1. “Purva Bruņurupucis - Emys Orbicularis (L.) - Rāpuļi - Latvijas Daba.” 2023. Latvijasdaba.lv. 2023. https://www.latvijasdaba.lv/rapuli/emys-orbicularis-l/. ‌
  2. Čeirāns A., Pupiņš M., Pupiņa A. 2018. Abinieku un rāpuļu fona monitorings un monitorings Natura 2000 teritorijās (2016.- 2018.gadam). Gala atskaite saskaņā ar Dabas aizsardzības pārvaldes iepirkuma līgumu Nr. 7.7/77/2016-P. Daugavpils Universitāte, 81 lpp.
  3. Pupiņš M., Pupiņa A. 2017. Eiropas purva bruņurupucis Emys orbicularis un tā aizsardzība Latvijā. GlobeEdit, 123 lpp.

Within the LIFE FOR SPECIES project (Endangered species in Latvia: improved knowledge and capacity, information circulation and understanding) in the period from 2021. until 2023 in April, an evaluation of the state of fungi species and determination of the risk level of species extinction was carried out using the methodology and criteria developed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN, https://www.iucnredlist.org/, https://sarkanagramata.lu.lv/par -project/materials/). The activities were carried out within the project B.1 activity "Re-evaluation of the status of species protection and preparation of the list of endangered species using IUCN criteria".

In order to introduce interested parties to the preliminary results of fungi species evaluations, a meeting will be organized this year on April 28 at 13:00 (on Zoom).

Estimated meeting length: approximately 2 hours.

To participate in the meeting, please fill out the application by April 25: https://forms.gle/zQHunakRRLnHXJAU7

A link to the meeting will be sent to the email you provided before the meeting.

140 mushroom species were selected and evaluated in the project. The results are available here.

We invite anyone who is interested in participating, to read the assessments and send comments and questions before the meeting by writing to the email provided below:


Within the LIFE FOR SPECIES project (Endangered species in Latvia: improved knowledge and capacity, information circulation and understanding) in the period from 2021. until 2023 in April, an evaluation of the state of mammal species and determination of the risk level of species extinction was carried out using the methodology and criteria developed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN, https://www.iucnredlist.org/, https://sarkanagramata.lu.lv/par -project/materials/). The activities were carried out within the project B.1 activity "Re-evaluation of the status of species protection and preparation of the list of endangered species using IUCN criteria".

In order to introduce the interested parties to the preliminary results of the evaluation of mammal species, a meeting will be organized on April 28 at 10:00 (on Zoom).

It will consist of:

Estimated meeting length: approximately 2 hours.

To participate in the meeting, please fill out the application by April 25: https://forms.gle/p3rGEQEes7aNgM2H8

A link to the meeting will be sent to the email you provided before the meeting.

39 mammal species were selected and evaluated in the project. The results are available here:  Ziditaji_izvertejumi apspriedem LV_2023 

We invite anyone who is interested in participating, to read the assessments and send comments and questions before the meeting by writing to the email provided below:


On April 27 of this year, at 10:00, we invite everyone interested to the mid-term seminar of the LIFE for Species project. The event will take place in the UL Academic Centre, Magnum Auditorium, Jelgavas Street 1, Riga.

In order to participate in the seminar, it is necessary to register your participation by filling out the registration form by April 24.

The ceremonial opening of the traveling photo exhibition "Green Treasures" and the awarding of the authors of the best photographs will also take place during the seminar.

The agenda for this event is available here.

The aims of the LIFE FOR SPECIES project are to update the list of protected and endangered species based on scientific criteria, to prepare proposals for changes in legislation, to improve data quality and availability of species, as well as to increase public and stakeholder awareness, and active species protection in Latvia.

Although Wetland Month has come to a close, we wanted to highlight one of the wetland species in honor of the March Species of the Month. At the beginning of this month, social media followers of the LIFE For Species project took part in a vote, as a result, Sphagnum pulchrum was chosen as the species of the month for March.

In Latvia, this species is very rare. It can be found in various constantly wet and humid places - in mossy swamps, swampy forests, ditches and on the shores of swampy lakes. In Latvia the common name for the species is “the beautiful sphagnum” and it probably earned this name due to its shades, which vary from yellowish to greenish-brown, and can sometimes even take on a purple hue.

Map by Jānis Ukass

Sphagnum pulchrum is similar to the very common sphagnum (S. fallax), but it is distinguished in nature by its distinct five-rowed branched leaves.

The species of this month - Usnea florida - is a very rare and protected species of lichen in Latvia, which also serves as a clean air indicator.

Photo: Renāte Kaupuža

The species is found throughout the territory of Latvia, but observations are relatively rare. It is difficult to detect because it grows high in the crown of the tree and is only visible when it falls from the tree branches. However, there is also good news - if the lichen has fallen from the tree crown, it is relatively easy to see and recognize. From the other usnea species found in Latvia, Usnea florida is distinguished by its round fruiting bodies or apothecia. Apothecia develops at the ends of branches, reaching up to 1 cm in diameter.

Photo: Astra Kalve
Map by Jānis Ukass


  1. LSM.lv Ziņu redakcija (2015). Ziemeļlatgalē atklāta atradne retam ķērpim - dāsnajai usnejai. [Tiešsaistē] www.lsm.lv. Pieejams: https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/dzive--stils/vide-un-dzivnieki/ziemellatgale-atklata-atradne-retam-kerpim-dasnajai-usnejai.a160348/ [Skatīts 20.02.2023.].

Tengmalm’s owl, which has become a rare species in Latvia over the last decades, has been chosen to be the protected species of the month.

Bikšainais apogs

Tengmalm’s owl is a small-size owl reaching 235-280 mm in length. The bird's feathers on the back are dark brown with white specks, which together form a row of white spots in the shoulder area. A dark line frames its pale face, forming a pronounced face veil. This is one of the smallest owls in Europe: males weigh only 90-133 g, while females around 112-223 g.

The species is most commonly identified by a typical voice that can be described as a relatively low frequency sound “u-u-u” or “pu-pu-pu” with a truncated sound. Unprovoked birds at the beginning of the breeding season often sing in the same tree as they are about to nest. Relatively often, there is also a “quacking” sound that is relatively easy to blend with, say, the voice of a forest owl. At the beginning and end of the breeding season, one of the more frequently heard voices is a sound like a squirrel cry.

Unfortunately, the species is highly sensitive to interference during the egg laying and hatching period. Even a simple touch on the trunk of the nest tree can disrupt the hatching, causing the female to leave the nest and the eggs.

Map by Jānis Ukass

The most significant threat to the species in Latvia is logging, as the bird most often inhabits old mixed and conifer forests that have been affected by economic activity. Weasels can be mentioned as the biggest enemy of the species in nature. In 2018, a program of artificial nests was started in Latvia, within the framework of which 100 cages were prepared for the protection of breams.


Avotiņš jun. A. 2019. Apodziņa Glaucidium passerinum, bikšainā apoga Aegolius funereus, meža pūces Strix aluco, urālpūces Strix uralensis, ausainās pūces Asio otus un ūpja Bubo bubo aizsardzības plāns. Latvijas Ornitoloģijas biedrība, Rīga

The project's species experts are currently working on the preparation of species assessments, gathering information from a variety of data sources. There are species for which data is missing, so experts are also relying on field work to collect the missing data and update the available information.

During the field work, the project experts managed to observe very rare species that have not been seen for a long time, or were even detected in Latvia for the very first time.

A new mushroom species has been found

On September 24 of 2022, the Society of Mycologists of Latvia had the opportunity to visit Moricsala. There were many interesting finds, and the project expert I. Dāniele was there to witness them. Approaching one of the spruce trees surrounded by observers, project expert I. Dāniele immediately realized that this is the first time she has seen such a mushroom.

On the mossy, rotting soil, golden yellow-brown mushrooms were arranged in a small group. We also found out the first discoverer of this species - it turned out to be Ieva Rožlapa.

Due to the bright and unique appearance of the mushroom, it was not difficult to identify the species - it is a new species for Latvia, Chrysomphalina chrysophylla.

According to GBIF data, this species is found mainly in Europe and North America, also in some places in Asia. It is mainly found in boreal and hemiboreal zone, but it can sometimes also be found in warmer regions, mainly in wet spruce forests, on mossy slopes.

I. Dāniele admits that this species deserves evaluation and inclusion in the Red Book and the list of protected species. So far, only one deposit - so the species is very rare and even critically endangered (CR). Could a Data Deficiency (DD) be considered? Probably no more than many other rare species. The mushroom has a bright enough appearance  for it to be discovered by other mushroom experts elsewhere in Latvia.

New and long-lost species have been found in Latvia

In the middle of the summer, we shared the news about the findings of the project expert and entomologist N.Savenkovs during field work. The expert had managed to identify a specimen of Sesia bembeciformis species.

The species has a secret lifestyle - it basically lives on the willows of various species. Some specimens have been collected and in the future they will complement the insect collection of the Latvian National Museum of Nature. This species is distinguished by the peculiarities of its life cycle - the larval stage lasts 3-4 years. The species lives in the stems of live plants and the larva feeds on the sap, but is not generally considered a pest. 

Considering that the species had not been found in Latvia until now, it does not yet have an official name in Latvian. The appearance of the new species is also interesting - Sesia bembeciformis is a butterfly that looks like a hornet. Despite the appearance of the species, it is peaceful and cannot sting people.

However, Sesia bembeciformis was not the only species newly discovered in Latvia - at the beginning of July, in the vicinity of Krāslava, the project's expert N.Savenkovs managed to discover another new species for Latvia - Simplicia rectalis. We know relatively little about this species. 

Several species of butterflies, which are considered very rare in Latvia, were also found during the field work.

After a 60-year break, a long-sought sedge has been found 

After a 60-year break, a rare plant species, Carex distans, has been found in Latvia. It was found by the leading researcher of the Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia, Liene Auniņa, during the expeditions of the LIFE FOR SPECIES project in the 2022 vegetation season.

In 1962, the distant sedge was found in the grasslands around Ainaži, but now the species was found in natural, unimproved grassland in Kurzeme. Unfortunately, it was not possible to find the species again in the vicinity of Ainaži. The new find shows that the remote sedge can be found in grasslands, possibly also in marshes, in a narrow strip along the coast of the Baltic Sea and the Gulf of Riga.

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