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A series of online lectures on protected and endangered species in Latvia will begin
In March and April, a series of online lectures "Protected and Endangered Species in Latvia" will take place on the project's Facebo...
The Red Data Book
Although the initial plan was to publish the new Red Data Book in 2024, we have evaluated one-third more species than originally pla...
New European Bird Red List published
The European Red List of Birds, published by BirdLife International, shows that 13% of European bird species are endangered. The lis...
Survey clarifies the awareness of the Latvian society about the protection of species
A significant part of the society admits that they are poorly informed about endangered species, at the same time indicating that th...
The Institute of Biology of the University of Latvia is launching a project on endangered and specially protected species – LIFE FOR SPECIES
In order to inform the general public about the aims, objectives and possible results of the project LIFE FOR SPECIES, on 4 March th...
Nature Experts Complete Training on Moss Identification and Conservation
On May 28th and 29th, a seminar on the identification and protection of mosses was held in Ķemeri National Park, organized by the Na...
The LIFE FOR SPECIES project has been extended until the end of 2025
The LIFE FOR SPECIES project began on December 1, 2020, and was initially scheduled to conclude at the end of 2024. However, the pro...
LIFE FOR SPECIES International Conference concludes successfully
Last week saw the successful conclusion of the LIFE FOR SPECIES international conference "Safeguarding Biodiversity: Red Lists and B...
LIFE FOR SPECIES project represented at international Botanical Congress.
Liene Auniņa, the coordinating species expert for vascular plant species from the project LIFE FOR SPECIES, from the Institute of Bi...
Protected species of the month: Duke of Burgundy
As May comes to a close, we enjoy sunny, warm weather that invites everyone to explore and appreciate the diversity of Latvia's natu...
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