The grand opening of the photo exhibition "Green Treasures"
On April 27, 2023, the ceremonial opening of the LIFE FOR SPECIES photo exhibition "Green Treasures" was held at UL Academic Centre. Exhibition includes 60 of more than 400 photos that we received during the “Green Treasures” photo-competition.

Along with the opening of the exhibition, the authors of the photographs that received the highest jury rating were awarded. In addition to the jury awards, during the first month of the exhibition, any visitor can vote for three pictures, choosing their favourites.

We would like to express our gratitude to every nature enthusiast who dedicated time to capture nature's values and diversity of species. We hope that the photo contest was a valuable encouragement to go out into nature and get to know the diversity of species in Latvia. Also, we would like to express our gratitude to the jury, who devoted their time and experience to evaluate more than 400 submitted photos.

The visual design of the photo exhibition was created by Kristina Bondare.